[googlemaps https://www.google.com/maps/ms?msa=0&msid=203528049639982256433.0004e1a0c7ba0dabfb510&hl=en&ie=UTF8&ll=51.445228,-0.0753&spn=0.000602,0.000354&t=m&output=embed&w=425&h=350]
If you’re interested in some outdoor yoga, fresh air, the feel of the Earth under your feet, the warm breeze on your skin… then please join us at various parks around London SE21. Last week we were at Dulwich Park under a beautiful Oak Tree (space 1) and other weeks we are just nearby at a cosier spot (space 2 – click on the blue markers to see which is which).
See the face book page for more up to date details here.
Sat Nam
Natalie X