activities in the mind - paying attention - no shouldn'tsClearing Your Blocks and Creating Your Desired Future

Clear the subconscious chatter that prevents you from using your sensitivity and intuition to know what is and what to do. Subdue the noise so that you can listen to the voice of your Soul, developing your self-sensory system rather than constantly needing to check with everyone else or some other “authority”… Dissolve the blockages of the past and clear the way to connect with and be your authentic Self.

Yogi Bhajan opened the teachings of Kundalini Yoga to everyone, to help us shift into a higher consciousness and thrive through the Aquarian Age (which we have recently entered) – an age of information overload, of high-paced, high-stress living and heightened fear. He taught that we need to develop our “self-sensory system”, to develop the sixth sense or intuition. Intuition is neutral in energy; there is no judgment, no ‘shoulds,’ and no fear. It is like a small soft voice in your ear….On a physical level, we will be also focusing on the pituitary gland,the master gland associated with intuition, that controls immunity, libido, metabolism, mood and much more.

Please join me in an extended workshop using Kundalini Yoga kriyas (exercise sets), pranayama (breathing techniques), meditations and mantras to reconnect with who you really are, and listen to and follow your Truth….which means a happier and healthier you and a happier and healthier world! The Venue is a large beautiful room looking out onto a garden.

Who: Suitable for all levels.

When:  Sunday 19th May, 2pm-6pm

Cost: £35 (10% off for every friend/relative you refer)
Venue: Friends Meeting House, 34 Sunderland Rd, Forest Hill, SE23 2QA (
map here)Spaces are limited. Please book here.

Some kind words from the last workshop –

“The Yoga Immersion/workshop was wonderful for me. I arrived feeling very lacking in energy  but remarkably, I got through it without feeling tired. Time passed so quickly! It was very well planned with a perfect balance of energy work, chanting  and meditation. I left feeling energised and  positive, yet tranquil. I would love to do another session like this, or a even a weekend.”