1/2 Day Immersion – From Negativity to Self-Love
Do you feel like you are your harshest critic? Always judging yourself as not quite good enough? Maybe not feeling the flow of ease, abundance or joy in your life? Making decisions based on fear rather than what you’d love to be doing? Or just fancy doing something different on the weekend?
Then please come along to a half day immersion to discover what else is possible. Using powerful Kundalini Yoga kriyas (exercise sets), pranayama (breathing techniques), meditations and mantras to let go of fears and reconnect with who you really are – the energy of love, bliss and joy, so that you can be more of who you truly are! No more hiding your light under a bushel 🙂
Who: Suitable for all levels.
When: Sunday 24th March, 11am-2.30pm (with the last half an hour for Yogi Tea and shared snacks)
Venue: Peckham Rye studio (details tbc)Spaces are limited. Please book here.
“The more you are motivated by love, the more fearless and free your action will be”. Dalai Lama