giving birth – the easy way

I said to my mate a few months ago “I want a shamanic drum”. I’d been in a Kundalini Yoga class about 2 years ago with Guru Dharam, Kundalini Yoga Master and he’d played one during relaxation and the impression had lasted. The seed had been...

how to make your Yoga more powerful

After teaching yoga yesterday morning in a gym, I was undecided about whether to hang around and attend a class at another nearby gym. It’s always good to go to a class, to feel that group energy…I know that being in a group makes everything I do somehow...

wired for sound 2

Apologies – I sent out the incomplete post! Here is the final version…. “AM FM I feel so ecstatic now, It’s music I’ve found, And I’m wired for sound”  Cliff Richard “I don’t sing because I’m happy; I’m...